Saturday, October 20, 2012

My love of writing...

Hello! So I am the kind of person who likes to write. But not quite in the sense that one might think. I like signing my name, and simply writing on paper. I especially like nice gel pens...And pens that write nice and smooth. It's like the funnest thing in the world! :)

paper clip binding
If you asked me what one thing I would like to do all day, it would probably be, just about anything!

Notebook Ideas ::  1.Goals Notebook  2.Blog Log  3.Quotes Journal  4.Favorite Recipes  5. Seasonal Art Journal  6.doodle practice book  7.'To Do' Daily notebook  8.Typography Practice  9.Inspiration Journal  10.Brainstorm Book  11.Journal Prompts  12.Rubber Stamp/Ink Pad Log  13.DIY Planner  14.Colour Journal  15.To Shoot/Photograph List Book  and more!   #journal
And I'm not normally the pinterest type. But when it comes to showing my handwriting...Well, you'd have more luck trying to make me hold a spider... :)
take to ca: small journal, pen, washi tape, and instax camera.  by madelyn * persisting stars, via Flickr
Whether it's just writing a small paragraph in cursive, or copying some Bible verses, I love writing!
Am I the only one? :)


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Awkward much? :)

Hello everyone! Forgive me, I haven't been home in 3 weeks, and so haven't had the time to sit down and write! :) But I did remember it was Wednesday and I will try and keep on top of that...


  • When your alone at the office and somebody walks in un-expected....Your just like "uhh, can I help you?"
  • Forgetting a person's name and it was an already awkward introduction.
  • Listening to music really loud and singing along and then realizing you're not alone! Whoops..

  • Brothers. I am very blessed with 6 of them. I love the "in control" feeling I get around them. I know that they will always protect me, and they love me as much as I do them! :) :) :) (Of course, sisters are nice too!)
  • Cap' n Crunch cereal... There's nothing like it in the world! :-)
  • A good ol' country song that you haven't heard in years...
  • Having long talks with the 10 year old neighbor boy about saving Faith, and the affects of sin. And then him coming to visit a few weeks later and asking me "Do you think God loves me at all? Like, would He be okay with me being a Christian like you? " ....Yeah, I can't really explain what that meant to me... God does answer prayers.

Well, here we are closing in on the last part of October, and I already can't wait for snow! I absolutely love snow. Although, I don't particularily like the 2 months (Jan and Feb) inside, with not a whole lot to do. They say in my part of the country we are supposed to get a lot of snow this year. But it's looking like I won't be spending those months in the house all day long anymore!! (More about that later!...)
I hope you all have enjoyed this beautiful week. Blessings!


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Awkward and Awesome days...

Hey,  So in honor of me getting back to my blog (and also deleting posts accidentally :p)  I have decided to do an Awkward Awesome post.  And maybe every Wednesday...

Awkward :

  • Running through the local grocery store because they are shutting off the lights and closing down and they didn't know you were there... Yep, that was pretty bad.
  • Running underneath your walnut tree playing in the leaves, and then 4 trucks drive past...At that point, you just want to melt into the floor.
  • Having people look at your sloppy handwriting.
  • Singing in the shower and company shows up. And your little siblings trying to tell you to pipe down, but you can't understand them so you just sing louder...


    •   Walking into the coffee shop and the guy says "Two large caramel macchiato's to go?" =)
    •  Laying in the leaves reading a book. It's like something form a movie...
    • My little parakeet's, Blueberry and Lemon. :)
    • Playing a song over and over again on the piano and finally it just clicks! And your teacher's like "Good job, honey. You must have been practicing so hard this week! " -.-  :p

      Yep, I have some pretty crazy awkward days...But I love them just the same.

      Anything awesome or awkward happen to you this week?


Monday, October 1, 2012

Slate . . .

Hey everybody! Can you believe it's October already?! I still have it in my head that it's Just now September.
My little siblings just bought this new slate the other day. (They love buying them and using them all day long.) and asked if I could take pictures of it. They think it's funny watching me struggle trying to make a picture turn out, apparently...:p
Anyway, I only had a few moments and so only got 2 pictures, but I hope you like them. :)

I have a pretty busy month planned out and of course, new month resolutions. BUT, I did do well in September as far as that goes...So we'll see. Do you have anything special planned for October?

P.S. Apparently I deleted a post. Sorry about that. Don't know what I did. :-)
